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In left the
first part in the year 1974, just when he started his collaboration with
José Luis García Sánchez y
Miguel Ángel Pacheco and one year before he appeared on Spanish homes TVs.
I continue with that same year, in which he produce two short films for TVE, “Pablito” a Picasso tribute and “El hombrecillos de gris” (The men in grey), this last one based on the tale with the same name from Fernando Alonso.
"Pablito" |
"El hombrecillo vestido de gris" |
That year appears on TVE the show “Un globo, dos globos, tres globos” (One balloon, two balloons, three balloons) dedicated to children and youth audience, and it will be by 1975, when José Ramón, with Miguel Angel Pacheco, takes part of the show, illustrating a story at the same time it was told.
It is then when he illustrates the Fernando Alonso’s tales “La estatua y el jardincito” (The statue and the little garden, 1975) and “La estatua y los niños” (The statue and the children, 1976) and the Lolo Ricos’s “El Mausito” (The Mausito, 1975)
"La estatua y el jardincito" illustration |
In 1976 he devise, with José Luis García Sánchez, Miguel Ángel Pacheco and Lolo Rico de Alba, the marvelous collection “El Aprendiz de brujo” (The sorcerer’s apprentice). Curiously the collection was published in two different versions, the first one with four volumes with Lolo Rico’s stories, and the second one and more comprehensive with texts by Jose Luis composed by twelve volumes, three about cinema, three about games, three about circus and three about theatre. Without doubt, the more remarkable ones, without devalue to the other ones, are the dedicated to cinema, as in hose ones we can appreciate the Jose Ramón fascination for that world. Whit this work he got the 1978 Lazarillo Prize to the best Spanish illustrator, and was nominated for the international prize Hans Christian Andersen.
Two covers from the four volumes collection "El aprendiz de brujo" with Lolo Rico tales. |
Two covers from the twelve volumes collection "El aprendiz de brujo" with Jose Luis García Sanchez storys |
A year later he illustrates another book for the “Yo soy” collection, “Soy un estadio” (I´m a stadium) and opened the short movie which script wrote with Fernando Alonso “La penúltima hoja de Otoño” (Autumn’s penultimate leaf).
"La penúlima hoja de otoño" |
PSOE counts on him in this period for their posters and advertising, as the pamphlet from 1978 “1978: Una constitución para el pueblo” (1978: A constitution for the people), what increases his popularity. That year he illustrates for the French publishing Bayard Presse the Isabelle Vermeil cute tale “La petite sorciere” (The little witch)
(Soon a better cuallity picture) |
Besides, he gets involved again in a new project with José Luis García Sánchez y Miguel Ángel Pacheco, a collection started by the mouse Camembert, “Las 100 y una actividades juegos, inventos y aventuras de Camembert”. This collection, from 1978, it’s in four volumes, and would gave a cause for to the later collection from 1980 “Las aventuras del ratón Camembert” (Camembert the mouse adventures) which was made up of ten volumes, including the previous ones with different titles and six more.
"Camembert y los piratas" page |
In 1979, in Cruz Delgado studios, ends the filming of the long movie “El desván de la fantasía” (The fantasy loft), based on “El aprendiz de brujo” books collection. This movie was never show in theaters, but TVE bought the rights to broadcast it, in 1981, as a 10 episodes serie on the Saturday morning show “Sabadabada”. The impact was so huge, that even now lot of people keeps singing the song composed by Antonio Areta: “Sube que sube, sube al desván, sube al desván de la fantasía…”. (Go up and go up, go up to the loft, go up to the fantasy loft…). Also, the opening from the show was done with fragments from the film.
A full episode as broadcasted at Sabadabada:
It was in this show, Sabadabada (it changed the name to Dabadabada when started to be broadcasted on Thursday afternoon until his end in July 1984), where he made his illustrator host debut, accompanied by Mayra Gómez Kemp o Sonia Martínez, leaving open-mouthed to all the children around the country with his high speed drawing skill, at the same time that delighted the with his tales related with what he was illustrating. His show participation included the sets.
Sabadabada opening:
José Ramón in action with Mayra Gomez Kemp:
Children band Regaliz on the Sabadabada show with a Jose Ramón background:
His work, make him easier to be able to dedicate to one of his dreams, to paint part of cinema history, in a collection composed by 104 paintings, each one of them inspired on a movie, and 20 actors portraits, named “La gran aventura del cine” (The cinema great adventure), that was finished in 1982. With all this material, he carries out a travelling exhibition and published a book. In 1984, the illustrator and animator Pablo Nuñez, produced and directed a short movie, “La gran aventura del cine: Los monstruos” (The cinema great adventure: The monsters) with panoramic from the artworks of this collection related with that subject.
From 1982 are also his drawings for the books from Lolo Rico “Angelita la ballena pequeñita” (Angelita the little whale) and Isidro Cirero “El estatuto de Cantabria para los niños” (Cantabria statute for children).
The TV show “El Kiosko” (The Bandstand), opened in 1984. It was hosted by Verónica Mengod and the pupet Pepe Soplillo (Pepe Carabias), but one of the sections was with Jose Ramón Sánchez doing the same work than in Sabadabada. The opening cartoons from the show opening were also made by him. This show ended in 1987, and with it, the Jose Ramon marvelous explanations.
El Kiosko opening:
Since then he devoted him to his successful and fascinating painter facet, and to very personal projects he continues with, although from time to time we could see his work in some projects for children like “El secreto del lobo” ( The secret of the wolf, Fernando Alonso, 1987), “Minimals” (1988) a book enclosed to a sea monkeys set, “El reino de la Geometría” (The Geomettry Kingdom, Alma Flor Ada, 1993), the collection “Cuentos Clásicos” (Classics Tales, adapted by Aurora Diaz Plaja, 1994) and “La edad de la aventura” (The adventure age, José María Medino, 1995).
And here finish my little tribute to this brilliant man.
Here I leave you (if you understand a bit of Spanish) a great interview from Castilla y Leon Tv show “El rincón de Miguel Herrero” (Miguel Herrero’s corner).
“Formas y colores: la ilustración infantil en España”. Jaime García Padrino. Ediciones de la Universidad de Castilla la Mancha. Cuenca, 2004
“José Ramón Sánchez. El aprendiz de brujo”. Begoña Vicario y Jesús Mª Mateos. Colección Animadrid. Nº6. Madrid, 2010
“El dibujo animado en España hasta 1966. Proyectos cinematográficos de Francisco Macián en los Estudios Macián”. Trabajo de Investigación de Susana Rodríguez Escudero para optar al D.E.A. Madrid, 2011
Colección personal de Susana Rodríguez Escudero.
If you want to know him a bit more here is your book: